Karen Ferris

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When Everyone Leads - Courage Over Comfort

You have a choice. You can accept the status quo or you can step up and become the leader you are looking for.

Stop waiting and start leading. Leadership is not bestowed. It is not a title. It is earned through action and example.

“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”

~ John C. Maxwell ~

This series of articles is not about what your leaders need to do to turn you into a leader. This series is about what you can do for yourself to become a leader in your own right. Wherever you sit within an organisation, you can lead.

Magic happens when everyone leads.

This is the fourth article in this series about everyone’s ability to lead.

If you have read this far, and you are committed to being a leader, then you probably already know many of the things that you need to do.

If you haven’t taken action on those things, there will be a reason. This could be fear, lack of confidence and uncertainty of outcomes.

Stepping out of the comfort zone

I have been there. It is not always easy to step out of your comfort zone.

They key is to take it one step at a time. As I said in my last article, if you ask any leader, they will tell you that it takes time, patience, hard work and dedication.

There are three zones.

Comfort zone

The comfort zone is where you feel calm and safe but there is not much happening. There is not much movement or learning.

When you are in this zone there is no growth.

 It is ok to be in this zone sometimes but if you stay to long the size of the comfort zone actually shrinks as you become more and more fearful as more things don't feel safe.

Stretch zone

Where we really need to be for learning, development and growth is just into the stretch zone. The best place is on the edge.

This is where we push ourselves to improve.

We get out of the comfort zone and have courage to try new things. We are daring and brave in this zone.

Yes there is stress in this zone but this is the good stress. Not all stress is bad. The good stress is a result of being vulnerable and exposed. In this zone we probably feel edgy and excited and the adrenalin is pumping.

The more time you spend in the stretch zone, the bigger your comfort zone grows. You grow more confident and independent. 

You increase your passion and perseverance, which equals grit. You become more and more courageous. You become more adaptable to change which increases your resilience.

This is where the magic happens!

Terror zone

This is where you don't want to be. This is the danger zone. This is where the bad stress happens.

This is where you will be overwhelmed and burnout. You will run back to your comfort zone at the earliest opportunity, which will start shrinking again.

In this zone there is panic and extreme anxiety.

On the edge

As mentioned earlier, the best place to be is on the edge of the comfort zone. When you dance on the edge of the comfort zone, so you can move to and fro from the stretch zone, expansion happens. There is the tingly mixture of fear and excitement, trepidation and anticipation. As you move between the zones, your courage grows which is a key quality for leadership.

You will feel vulnerable and exposed when you step outside your comfort zone but this is not a reason not to step outside. You will deny yourself the courage to lead and over time your comfort zone will start to shrink.

When you dance on the edge, you become more courageous and you grow.

What you step outside of your comfort zone for depends on what type of leadership style you are seeking - and what type of leader you wish to be.

You could try improving communication and listening skills; collaborating with others; leading working groups; public speaking and emotional intelligence.

Keep stepping into the stretch zone and practising. You will become stronger and more confident and building confidence is a critical step to becoming a leader.


Staying inside your comfort zone, is like a ship staying in a harbour. That is not what the ship was build for. Just like a ship that is intended to sail the oceans, we also need to push our boundaries and unlock our leadership capabilities.