All my services can be combined and customised to meet specific needs and deliver definite outcomes
The world of work has changed and so must leadership. What got leaders where they were in 2020 will not get them to where they need to be today.
Leaders must learn to be empathetic and emotionally intelligent leaders. They must create a sense of belonging in which everyone feels respected and valued for their contribution. They must leverage employees' enthusiasm for learning new skills and work with them to ensure they have the right tools to succeed. They must provide both flexibility and autonomy for employees to determine where they will do their best work. And above all, there must be trust.
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A lack of accountability in the workplace, impacts organisational culture. There is low morale, and high turnover. There is decreased efficiency and productivity, there is poor quality work, mistakes are left to smoulder until they explode, and customer satisfaction, performance and profitability are adversely impacted.
A lack of accountability is an organisational contaminant that must be addressed before it poisons and destroys the entire organisation.
The good news is that a culture of accountability in the workplace can be created with the right steps. This will drive organisational success through increased employee engagement and motivation.
When there is accountability in the workplace, everyone takes responsibility for their performance and delivering on outcomes. When something goes wrong, they step up and take full ownership. There are no excuses and no ‘blame game’ played. Accountable employees work to find a solution and the organisation benefits. Everyone can create a culture of accountability through their ability to accept responsibility before they place blame.
“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” ~ Moliere
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Adaptive leaders acknowledge that we are now living in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
When change is uncertain, leaders need to be able to read the right signals and act upon them.
Adaptive leaders learn through experimentation; they manage the context, not the instruction set. They cultivate a diversity of views to generate multiplicity of options.
Adaptive leaders know what to do when they don't know what to do. They adapt and thrive, regardless of the turbulence they face.
Adaptive Leadership Applied recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to developing adaptive leaders. We are all starting from different positions of capability.
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Leaders need to let go of control. Organizations can only be responsive when they flatten the structure, remove the bureaucracy that slows them down, and give employees autonomy.
Autonomy means decision-making is distributed and communication flows easily throughout the organization. Employee innovation, creativity, and experimentation are embraced. Employees can self-manage and they decide what to work on, how, and when.
One of the biggest challenges creating this autonomous workplace is getting managers to get out of the way. Managers need to become true leaders and surrender control.
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effective communication
Organizational success is now reliant on extensive collaboration, engagement, problem-solving, creativity, experimentation and innovation.
All are enabled through effective communication.
Everyone needs to communicate appropriately, given the context in which they operate and with whom they are engaging.
They need to be able to determine the effectiveness of their communication.
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The most sought after skills in the business world are self-awareness, the ability to listen, empathy, communication, trust and emotional regulation.
These are essential people skills. The soft skills are the hard skills.
Regardless of where you are positioned in an organisation, people skills are vital for individual and organisational success.
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