Resilience training.


We cannot control or manage volatile and disruptive change. When it is uncertain and unprecedented we cannot fight it. We must embrace it.

Every organization needs a workforce that can sense and respond, adapt and flex, diverge and converge, be truly agile and do at a pace never experienced before.

We do this, while dealing with the difficulties, demands and stress without burning out, through resilience.

We need a workforce resilient in the face of constant change.

Resilience is about:

  • Equipping everyone in the organization with the resources they need to be resilient

  • Equipping those leading others with the knowledge and capacity to maintain and sustain resilience in others

Organizations with a resilient workforce have:

  • Higher productivity

  • Higher profitability

  • Lower turnover

  • Lower sick leave, absenteeism and presenteeism

Organizations with a resilient workforce will:

  • Outrun the competition

  • Attract and retain talent

  • Have high-performing teams

  • Enhance brand and reputation

There is a return on investment. PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis found that on average, organizations can expect a return of $2.3 on every $1 spent on actions to create a mentally healthy workplace.

Resilience with Karen

These are the beliefs that form the basis of my practice.

  • Resilient people don’t just bounce back - they bounce forward

  • Resilience is not something you either have or don’t have. Resilience can be learned, practiced, and improved by everyone

  • Leaders need to be equipped to identify early signs of low resilience and take appropriate action

  • Psychological safety is pivotal for resilience to thrive

  • We have to stop talking about resistance to change and start talking about resilience in the face of it

  • Learning to increase resilient is not a point in time event - it is a continual program of work

  • Resilient people have setbacks just like everyone else. It is how they respond to them that is the differentiator.