Unleash The Resiliator Within - The Video

In a world where the speed and volatility of change is ever increasing, we need to stop talking about managing resistance to change and start talking about building resilience to change.

The World Health Organization describes stress as the “global health epidemic of the 21st century.” 

It is time to unleash The Resiliator!

A workforce of Resiliators means that volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and constant change can be embraced. Changes in direction are accepted as the norm and not the exception.

Organisations serious about becoming more agile in order to respond to disruptive change have to also be serious about building a resilient workforce. 

Resiliators take charge, self-manage, lead, inspire and motivate. They innovate, create and experiment. They operate in an environment of collaboration and cooperation. These are all competencies organisations need today if they are to thrive in the face of constant change and disruption, let alone survive.

Organisational change leaders need to build the strategy for resilience whilst becoming resilient themselves. Resilience has to be modelled.

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