Employer. Are You Ready?

In 27 days’ time, if you are responsible for negligently causing death in your workplace, you will be fined and go to jail.

The new Workplace Manslaughter Laws (Victoria, Australia) come into effect on 1st July 2020 and can impose fines of up to $16,522,000 and jail sentences of 20 years.

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Above and beyond the penalties that can be applied there are broader repercussions such as damage to reputation and inability to remain financially viable.

The law applies where there is a breach of duty of care. Employers must eliminate or reduce risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable. Under the new laws, this includes both the physical and MENTAL safety of employees.

One of the questions you should be asking is:

‘Am I doing enough to ensure the mental health and well-being of my employees?’

Whatever your industry or size of organisation it will be subject to volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous change. Constant change is the new black. There are no exceptions.

This brings with it the potential for increased stress, anxiety, fatigue and burnout.

You need a workforce resilient in the face of constant change and you need it now.

You have two choices.

  1. You can choose not to take action and if that omission results in the suicide of an employee, you will be held accountable and subject to the long arm of the law.

  2. You can choose to take action and invest in the education, support and resources that will equip your employees to deal with the stresses and strains of the workplace. You can enable them to cope with the pressures, adversities, uncertainties and demands and reap the rewards that brings.

You also get to stay out of jail!

#leadership #change #resilience