The emergence of resilient leadership - Yaja Nowakowski talks with Karen

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Yaja Nowakowski for her podcast ‘Empowering Leaders’ in an episode called “The emergence of resilient leadership.”

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We talked frankly about the way leaders are revealed during times of crisis. Usually in the most unexpected ways and resilience is key. We discuss how resilience can be developed by both individuals (including leaders) and leaders (when leading others).

You can watch the video here

You can list to the podcast here

Leadership with be revealed in this crisis not created. Let’s not go back to a new normal. Let’s go back to a new better. Let’s embrace our true leaders. Help managers step up to being leaders. We cannot afford to have people called ‘leaders that cannot lead.

Leadership is not bestowed with a title. It is earned.

Leaders need to provide greater autonomy to their employees. They should not need line of sight of their people. They should not measure performance by time infront of the laptop but by the outcomes.

Leaders need to trust. When you micromanage - you are saying “I don’t trust you”. This kills motivation and engagement.

Leaders need to provide principles and guardrails to make every feel safe with a new degree of autonomy.

Guardrails keep us all from running off the road. Just keep it simple.

We have been talking about digital transformation for years. When COVID-19 hit, we just did the transformation overnight. We can just do it. We didn’t have policies, standard operating procedures, strategies and plans. We just did it. We then improved with work from home situation incrementally. Be decisive and use common sense.

Risk aversion permeates many organisations. Employees are fearful to try new things and have a go. Embrace setbacks and learn from then. There is no place for a fear culture. We need a resilient workforce.

The books Unleash the Resiliator Within! Resilience: A Handbook for Individuals and Unleash the Resiliator Within! Resilience: A Handbook for Leaders are now available. Check them out.

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